In EnergyOn we understand, that your data is extremely important to you. Power systems, environmental controls, security equipment and IT systems, proposed by EnergyOn allow to equip data centers comprehensively even at class TIER IV.
UPTIME INSTITUTE® developed four levels of DATA-CENTER, which have become one of the standards of server construction.
TIER I (level 1) – Basic Site Infrastructure
Basic site infrastructure (infrastructure for DATA-CENTER is provided: UPS, refrigeration unit, air conditioner)
TIER II (level 2) – Redundant Capacity components Site Infrastructure
System of redundant capacity (damage to one of the devices does not stop the operation of DATA-CENTER)
TIER III (level 3) – Concurrently Maintainable Site Infrastructure
System of concurrently maintenance (damage to one of the devices does not stop the operation of DATA-CENTER, it is possible to carry out maintenance during operating)
TIER IV (level 4) – Fault Tolerant Site Infrastructure
Fault Tolerant system (damage to any of the elements leads to an automatic response of the data center and does not cause stop of DATA-CENTER it is possible to carry out maintenance during operating). Along with the concept of performance-level the definition of availability is used.
MTBF- Mean Time Between Failure
MTTR- Mean Time To Repair
On the basis of coefficients MTBF and MTTR availability is calculated and expressed as a percentage. Value “A” means theoretical estimated time of the system incapacity.
A = 99,9% – system does not work during a year ~ 9 hours
A = 99,99% – system does not work during a year 53 minutes
A = 99,999% – the system does not work during a year 5 minutes
Note that DATA CENTER is the sum of many subsystems. The ability to work depends on the actual performance of all systems (power supply, air-conditioning, telecommunications, IT).

Power supply systems
Uninterruptible Power Supply is used for uninterrupted supply of the loads.
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Environmental control
Precision air conditioning is one of the most important components in the server room.
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Security systems
Safety systems are designed for Data Center and include, among others, extinguishing systems, access systems, video monitoring systems.
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IT equipment
It does not matter you want us to supply a single server cabinet equipped with accessories or IT-Room…
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